Friday, November 28, 2008

Aerial Art

Aerial Art - Giant Knitted Rabbit Spotted by Google Earth

As the satellite image resolution gets better and better, expect to see more massive sculptures like the 200 foot long giant pink rabbit. This toy rabbit sculpture was knitted by Gelitin, a Viennese Art collective and placed on the slope of the Colletto Fava mountain in the Piedmont region of northern Italy - a place called Artesina in near Cuneo.

What amazes is the knitting was done over five years by an army of grannies. The rabbit is constructed from waterproof material and is stuffed with straw.

The sides of the bunny are 20 feet high and the designers hope hikers will try climbing up to relax on top and take in the view. It’s a view that includes the “heart, liver and intestines” spilling out its side as if the bunny had been dropped from space.

The rabbit will remain there until 2025.

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