For those of you out there who love to find ways to make extra money, how about getting paid to list your classifieds and auction ads? is the first website that pays you just to list your classifieds and auctions, so instead of paying fees like on eBay, they will pay you just for listing your ad, even if you don’t sell your item or have something you’re giving away!
They do have guidelines and criteria for what makes an ad eligible for payment...and you get paid 25 cents per ad, but hey, it all adds up in my book.
Also, another feature that makes quite the pioneer is you can include video in your listings! They’re one of the only video classifieds sites out there--and they say they’re the first site to feature video auctions. I haven’t even seen video on eBay yet!
I think it’s a great website with a lot to offer… definitely ahead of the curve as far as the video goes, and getting paid is also a bonus.
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